5 recommendations to
motivate remote employees
Key strategies to motivate remote teams: Recognition of achievements, effective communication, and essential tools for workplace success.
Remote Work
Designing a pleasant work environment, providing a pleasant working environment, offering relaxation initiatives, refreshments, recreational spaces... There are several ways to boost the motivation of employees working in offices. But what tactics are needed to motivate remote employees?
For organizations, telecommuting is much more than a modality that meets the new demands of employees. It is a strategic decision in terms of business that provides the possibility of having ultra-qualified profiles that reside in different parts of the world, which boosts organizational growth.
It has also been proven that, by eliminating the stress and fatigue associated with travel, productivity is boosted. In fact, an Own Labs survey reveals that 79% of managers say their teams are more productive when working remotely.
On the other hand, hiring remote talent is also a key decision to control business costs. In this modality, investments in space, services and infrastructure are left aside.
In fact, according to Global Workplace Analytics, by implementing telecommuting, companies can save more than USD 500 billion annually in real estate, electricity, absenteeism and staff turnover, which is equivalent to a saving of more than USD 11,000 per employee per year.
Once teleworkers are onboarded, the challenge is to make them want to stay onboard.
After all, just as with customers, keeping the talent already hired in the corporate ranks is much cheaper than recruiting and employing new workers.
For this reason, it is critical for companies to implement a number of actions that allow them to motivate and encourage remote employee engagement.
How can an employee stay motivated if they don't know what is expected of them?
To boost the engagement of remote workers, organizations must make explicit the objectives pursued by the company and each sector, making clear specifically the performance goals of each particular position.
We all like to be recognized when we do things right.
However, to motivate remote employees it is necessary to show them how their contributions contribute to the overall progress of the company. Virtual meetings, reports, messages where achievements are recognized are useful actions to encourage commitment.
According to Harvard Business Review research, 40% of employees would work harder if their actions were recognized more often. By being recognized, they feel valued and seek to stay with the company.
So the study shows that, in addition to improving motivation, recognition increases retention and loyalty.
To keep the dialogue open and encourage engagement, it is essential to use collaborative work platforms and communication systems that allow team members to interact with each other.
Videoconferencing is very useful in this regard, as it allows the use of not only written, but also verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication, such as gestures and expressions.
Providing feedback on remote employees' performance is critical to maintaining their motivation, as it helps align expectations and objectives.
In addition, providing feedback on the tasks they perform shows employees that their leaders care about their work, even if they are miles away.
On the other hand, it is also important to collect feedback from teleworkers. Do they feel that the directions they receive are adequate? Are there any factors that prevent them from performing their tasks? What do they think can be improved?
Asking for feedback is one of the best strategies to motivate remote collaborators, since it values their opinions and positions them in an active role within the organization.
While telecommuting brings many advantages, it can also be a challenge. Especially when employees do not have the technological resources they need to carry out their tasks.
Lack of the right tools disrupts workflow, making it more complex to perform activities and communicate with teams located elsewhere.
When they are unable to perform their functions and interact properly, motivation and commitment are significantly reduced.
At this point, having hardware solutions for remote employees like the ones we offer in TecsPal becomes a fundamental aspect.
In addition to offering a wide range of hardware - laptops, desktops, monitors, smartphones, tablets, accessories, etc. --, we also provide welcome kits and provide equipment unbundling, storage and reuse services.
Hiring an IT supplier is a key strategy to motivate remote collaborators. Do you want to know more about our service?
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